Wednesday 03-20-24 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 03-20-24 Workout Of The Day

“The DeLorean” 

AMRAP 4 x (5 rounds)
15 T2B / HLR / Anchored sit ups (30 sec +/-)
30/24 Kcal Row (1.5 min) 
60 Double unders / Single skips 
Max Kcal Row 

‍*Rest 4 Minutes Between Rounds

You should finish your T2B or variation in 30+/- Seconds, Row in 1.5+/- Min, Double unders or single skips in no more than 1-1.25 min and have around 45ish seconds on the row if your transition times are quick. Your score is the number of calories completed in the “max kcal” portion.     

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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