Wednesday 10-19-22 Workout Of The Day
E2M – 7 (14 Min)
3 Jerks from the rack.
Perform three push or split jerks from the rack adding weight each round if possible.
5 Rounds For Time (RFT)
“Skipper & The Jerk”
50 Double Unders or 100 single skips
10 S2OH
10 KBS (Shoulder height)
*Every time you trip up on your DU’s or single skips perform 3 Burpees
RX: BB 65/95# KB 35/50#
Intermediate: BB 55/75# KB 30/40#
Beginner: BB 45/65# KB 25/35#
Today’s workout is a little triplet with the chance of some celebration burpees if you trip on your rope 🙂 Pace yourself on the rope to maintain consistency and choose a weight you’ll be able t cycle your S2OH in for unbroken sets.