Wednesday 10-26-22 Workout Of The Day
E3M – 5
3 Deadlift + 5-8 Strict C2B or Pull-Ups
On a four minute clock perform three “heavy” deadlift and 5-8 strict pull-up or variations. You’ll have a chance to build to a heavy three deadlift to begin. Build through your sets if possible.
“Elm Street”
Box Over Burpees
RX: 125/185#
Intermediate: 110/155#
Beginner: 95/135# +/-
Today’s workout is a quick couplet. You should be able to do your 21 reps in two sets with your chosen weight, your set of 15 in 1-2 sets and your set of nine unbroken. Pace your burpee box jumps and make them consistent.