Wednesday 12-27-23 Starke Sweat
EMOM – 16 (4 rounds)
5 Goblet Squats @ 31×1
5 Ring rows @ 31×1
5 Dbl. KB deadlifts @ 31×1
5 Dips @ 31×1
8 DB Hang Clusters
10/12 Kcal row
8 Box Jump Overs
10/12 Kcal Ski
Part A. is all about the tempo. Slow down your movements and lower the weight you’re using a bit to allow for the added time under tension.
Part B. Is a short AMRAP with a new movement being thrown at you the DB hang cluster. Don’t worry, it sounds like a lot and it is 🙂 Chose weights you can go unbroken with and move consistently through this one.