Wednesday 3-27-34 Workout Of The Day
E2M – 9
Deadlifts 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5
“Sugar Shack”
For Time:
400/500m Ski
Directly Into…
Box Jumps 24/30”
Deadlifts 155/225# +/-
Directly Into…
400/500m Ski
Today’s workout is a little dead lift mountain. I’m going from 5 to 1 back down to five. You will have a chance to find a decent starting wait for your first five reps and ideally go a little bit heavier on the backside of mountain.
Part B is for time. Chipaway at the above work out and choose an appropriate weight that you can complete your set of 21 deadlifts in no more than three sets, your set of 15 deadlifts in two sets and your set of nine, straight through. The box jumps are a little higher in today’s workouts, so pay attention to that box side, and use those legs!