Monday 09/11/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. E3:30 x 5 sets
5-7/side landmine press
12 gorilla rows
10 ring pushups
B. For Time
50/40 cal ski
25 anchored situps
50 KB snatch @35/50#
25 anchored situps
50 pushups
25 anchored situps
Workout Notes: Part A is upper body focused strength. For the landmine press, use a barbell and a heavy plate on the ground to create the landmine. Half kneel by placing the knee on the ground of the side you are pressing on. Go heavy for the gorilla rows. Rest for the remaining time in the 3:30 window.
Part B is for time. Try not to break up your KB snatches if possible ; switch sides whenever you need. Chip away at the pushups; you will not be feeling fresh after part A so break into small sets when you need.