Monday 09/18/2023 Workout Of the Day

Monday 09/18/2023 Workout Of the Day

With a Running clock*…@35/50#

12 DB snatch
12 wallballs @14/20#
12 box jump overs
1 mile run
12 single arm DB hang C&J (6/side)
6 burpees
2 rounds:
40/30 cal ski
20 pullups
10 single DB squat cleans (5/side)

*You may partner up and tackle this WOD in a team of 2 if you wish

Workout Notes: We are starting the week with a long metcon! This workout has 3 parts and will be done with a running clock. All DB movements are single DB. The first 12 minutes are an AMRAP of 3 movements. Cycle through, pace yourself and record your rounds and reps after 12 minutes. Then you get 3 minutes of rest. At 15 minutes you will run 1 mile (or row/bike/ski- coaches can modify). When you finish the run, you will do an AMRAP of single arm hang C&J and burpees til the 27 minute mark. You have a 12 minute window for this middle section so the AMRAP portion will be short. Rest 3 minutes. At 30 minutes you will complete 2 rounds of a ski, pullup and squat cleans. Post your final finish time. Coaches can help modify

people working out in a group fitness class


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