Monday February 26th – Sunday March 3rd 2024
Strength Focus 4 Rounds of:
8 Goblet Squats
10 DB Curl to press
10 Kettlebell Romanian Deadlifts
3 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
15 Dumbbell Thrusters (choose a challenging weight)
10 Burpees over the Dumbbells
Strength Focus 4 rounds of:
6 Single-arm Dumbbell Push Press / Arm
8 Kettlebell Bent Over Rows / Arm
8 DB Chest Press / Arm
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
10 Kettlebell Swings
12 / 15 Air Bike Calories
20 Sit-ups
Strength Focus 3 rounds NFT
8-10 Bent over Dumbbell Rows
10 Single-arm Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunges or front rack (10 lunges / side)
8-10 Ring push ups
One round For Time:
1000m Ski Erg
50 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans
30 Burpee Box Jumps (use a box height suitable for your ability)
Strength Focus 3 rounds of:
8 Kettlebell Deadlifts
8 Alternating Renegade Rows
8 Dbl. Bell Front squats
EMOM for 12 minutes:
Odd minutes: 16 Dumbbell Push Press
Even minutes: 15/12 Calorie Ski
Strength Focus 4 rounds of:
12 Dumbbell Bent Over Reverse Flyes
45 second “bat wings”
10 Kettlebell Goblet Squat Jumps
5 Rounds For Time:
15 Kettlebell Swings
12 Kettlebell Front Squats
9/12 Calorie Air Bike