StarkeFit / Boot Camp 7-30-18 to 8-03-18

Monday July 30

A) Warmup

1 round of 0:40 work 0:20 rest

Shuttle runs

Air squats

Russian twists


Squat jumps

B) Medball Mashup

1 medball; 0:40 work 0:20 rest x 3 rounds

Squat jumps holding ball

Russian twists

Ball Slam + burpee

Squat + toss

Alternating rotational throws (at wall)

C) Finisher:

2 rounds of 1:00 work 0:30 transition

Group 1: wall sit passes

Group 2: plank passes


Tuesday July 31

A) Warmup

0:30 Shuttle runs

0:30 Air squats

0:30 SR

0:30 lunges

0:30 SR

0:30 burpees


B) With a running clock…


3 rounds:

8 cal row

8 burpees*

When clock hits 7:00

4 rounds:

10 box jumps

10 squats**

When clock hits 14:00

5 rounds:

12 lunges**

12 KBS

When clock hits 21:00

30 situps

300m run


*burpees jumping laterally over rower for more experienced athletes

**add weight in the form of DB’s for more experienced athletes



Wednesday August 1

A) Warmup

Tag + dynamic


B) 14 min circuit*

10 walking lunges

10 pushups

10 squats

10 renegade rows (no pushup)

*1 set DB for the entire circuit


C) 8 min EMOM

10 burpees*

*Scale appropriately; the goal is ~0:20 rest each round


Thursday August 2

A) Warmup

3-4 mins:

2 sled push

4 SR

6 burpees

8 squats


B) 3×5 min ARMAP with 90 second rest/transition between each

5 min AMRAP*

2x 50m loaded carry (DB or KB)

2x 50m sand bag run

5 min AMRAP*

10 tire flips

10 tire hops (jump in-jump out)

5 min AMRAP

2 lengths sled

2 lengths travelling burpees (washroom to rack)


*to be done outside in parking lot area with cones


C) Core work

Just get ‘er done:

20 reps up down plank

20 deadbugs (alternating; 10/side)

20 side plank raises left

20 side plank raises right

20 laying leg raises


Friday August 3

A) Warmup

3 rounds:

0:15 squats

0:15 plank

0:15 lunges

0:15 mountain climbers



2:30 work

20 medball squats or wallballs

Max calorie row in remaining time

Rest 1:00

2:30 work

20 jumping lunges

Max cal row in remaining time

Rest 1:00

2:30 work

20 ring rows

Max burpees in remaining time

Rest 1:00

2:30 work

20 plank shoulder taps

Max burpees in remaining time


C) Bunz n Gunz Finisher*

3 min AMRAP alternating exercises

5 Single leg glute bride raises/side

5 Single leg split squat/side

Rest 0:30

3 min AMRAP alternating exercises

8 DB hammer curls

8 DB bent over rows

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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