Thursday 2-16-23 Workout Of The Day

E2M – 5
3 Touch & Go Power Cleans

On a two minute clock build to a challenging three touch and go power cleans. This SHOULD be heavier than the weight you’ll use in your workout.  B.
5 RFT (Cap 28)
14/20 Kcal ECHO
15 Box Jump Overs
10 C2B Pull Ups
5 BB Power Cleans
Rest 1 Min

BB Weight RX:110/155#
Intermediate: 95/135#
Beginner: 65/95# +/-

Aim for five minutes per round with variations of the above movements. Pick a barbell weight you can complete 2-3 touch and go reps with under fatigue. Movements and transitions should be quick and consistent. Rest when you need to and work when you’re ready.