Tuesday 09/19/2023 Workout Of the Day
A. E2:00 x 7
1 power clean +
1 squat clean +
1 front squat
B. For Time
Time cap- 16 min
hang squat cleans
cal row
HSPU/puke pushups/pushups
RX: 65/95#
Int: 55/75#
Beg: 35/45#
Workout Notes: Part A is a heavy clean complex. Find a challenging weight for part A and do all your working sets at that weight- or increase weight throughout your working sets.
Part B is for time. You will do 30 reps of the hang squat cleans, 30 cals, 30 HSPU (or variation), then 20 of everything then 10 of everything. Choose a light weight you can cycle sets of 10 at least. Chip away at your round of 30. Try to go unbroken on your sets of 10. Increase your pace as the reps decrease. Sub HSPU for a pike pushup or variation.