Wednesday 11-29-23 Workout Of The Day

Wednesday 11-29-23 Workout Of The Day

E75 – 12 (15 min)
8 DB Dbest Press
8 BB Bent Over Rows
8 Heavy KBS (shoulder height)

Row 400/500m repeats w. 1:30 recovery between rounds (aprox 17.5 min)

Part A. is a little strength focus work on a 75 second clock. Choose weights you’ll be able to recover with and transition to the next exercise accordingly.

Part B. are rowing repeats. Set your monitors to “Intervals distance” and the rest to 1:30. Aim for consistent or slightly faster times by at least a second each round. Don’t go out too hot or you’ll crash and burn 🙂 

people working out in a group fitness class


Talk with a coach to see if working out at Starke Strength & Conditioning is right for you.
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