Thursday 06-25-2020 Workout Of the Day

Thursday 06-25-2020 Workout Of the Day A. E 2:30 x 6 sets 6/side KB front rack step ups + 12 seated alt. KB Z press 10-15 hollow rocks (+ weight) B. 6 min AMRAP 10 wallballs @14/20# 30 DU rest 2:00 Rounds + Reps from AMRAP, For Time Workout Intentions/Notes: Part A is...

Wednesday 06-24-2020 Workout Of the Day

Wednesday 06-24-2020 Workout Of the Day With a running clock… 3 rounds: 300m run 20 box jumps @20/24” 20 KB swings @35/50# -rest 3:00- 2 rounds: 300m run 30 KB snatches @35/50# 30 pushups -rest 3:00- 1 round: 300m run 40 t2b 40 burpees Workout Intentions/Notes:...

Tuesday 06-23-2020 Workout Of the Day

Tuesday 06-23-2020 Workout Of the Day A. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 strict pullups strict ring dips B. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB/KB floor press DB/KB bent over rows C. In 7:00… 1000m row max rep KB front rack lunges @35/50# in time remaining Workout Notes/Intentions:...

Monday 06-22-2020 Workout Of the Day

Monday 06-22-2020 Workout Of the Day A. E2M x 7 sets 1 clean pull + 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 FS B. 4 RFT @65/95# time cap 14 min 10/12 cal bike 10 hang power cleans 10 front squats 10 lateral bar burpees Workout Notes/Intentions: Take some time to build...

Sunday 06-21-2020 Workout Of the Day

Sunday 06-21-2020 Workout Of the Day A. E3:00 x 5 sets (15 min) 6 back squats + 300m run B. For time @35/50# 80 DU 40 jumping lunges 20 single arm DB hang C&J 60 DU 30 jumping lunges 15 single arm DB hang C&J 40 DU 20 jumping lunges 10 single arm DB hang...