Tuesday 10-02-18
“Bubble Butt”
3 Rounds NFT
5 Back Squats build to a challenging and repeatable five reps for the day
6 Double Bell Hip Hinge / Leg (one kettlebell in each hand)
10 Weighted hip bridge (use BB, DB’s or plates)
6 Deficit Lunges / Leg (add more weight (db’s or kettlebells in rack position or added height for more of a challenge)
*For hip bridges make sure head and shoulders are supported on a bench, add weight above the hip crease and get as much range of motion as possible while creating as much tension in the glutes as possible at the top of the movement. Think “prison bum” if you need a visual…
30 Double Unders
5 Clean & Jerks 65/95# or Kettlebells @ 35/50#
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