Saturday 7-01-19

GYM NEWS: Saturday is Bring Your Own Buddy day at Starke so invite a friend or two to join you in a hot and sweaty workout at 8:30am, 9:30am or 12:00pm. See you at the gym!


25 min Partner AMRAP


1:00 min wall balls over the bar  to your partner 

1:00 min KBS while partner holds hollow rock position

1:00 min goblet squats while partner holds KBs overhead 

1:00 min box over burpees while partner holds plank 

300m partner run 

Partners can switch within each minute as much as needed, or not at all. Choose what works for you and your partner. 

Count all your reps cumulatively through all the four-minute rounds for a grand total before you take off on the run.

*Both partners run together for the 300m.