Tuesday 2-20-18 Workout Of The Day


“Power Elizabeth”


Power Cleans 95/135#

Ring Dips

Rest 5 Minutes


Power Cleans 95/135#

Ring Dips

Post the time for both workouts separately not including the 5-minute break.

The goal of this workout is repeatability. If you start with a certain movement and scaling continue with it for the whole workout and more specifically the second round of it.



Double Bell Cleans 35/50#

Hand Release Push Ups (HRPU)

Rest 5 Minutes


Double Bell Cleans 35/50#

Hand Release Push Ups (HRPU)

Post the time for both workouts separately not including the 5-minute break.

The goal of this workout is repeatability. If you start with a certain movement and scaling continue with it for the whole workout and more specifically the second round of it.