Tuesday 02-18-20 Workout Of the Day

Tuesday 02-18-20 Workout Of the Day A. Skill work: handstands B. 0:30 on 0:30 off x 6 rounds handstand walk, hold, shoulder taps, etc. C. For time: 21 HSPU 21 pullups 21 power cleans @95/135# Row 750m 15 HSPU 15 pullups 15 power cleans Row 500m 9 HSPU 9 pullups 9...

Monday 02-17-20 Family Day WOD

Happy family day everyone! Hopefully you’re enjoying this long weekend and geting in some down time and quality time with your family. If you’re not, you still have one more day to make it happen. Enjoy todays workout and the rest of your day along with...