Wednesday 01-20-2021 Starke HomeFit

Wednesday 01-20-2021 Starke HomeFit For time OR 40 min CAP 25 thrusters rest 2:00 25 thrusters 50 box jumps rest 2:00 25 thrusters 50 box jumps 75 KBS rest 2:00 25 thrusters 50 box jumps 75 KBS 100 burpees Workout Notes/Intentions: Today’s WOD is a long one! It...

Tuesday 01-19-2021 Starke HomeFit

Tuesday 01-19-2021 Starke HomeFit A. 15 min circuit 6-8/side single leg DL 1:00 wallsit 6-8/side step ups B. 15 min AMRAP 20 DB hang snatch 40 anchored sit ups 60 DU / 120 single skips Workout Notes/Intentions: Weight the single leg deadlifts and step ups with...

Monday 01-18-2021 Starke HomeFit

Monday 01-18-2021 Starke HomeFit A. 10-8-6-4-2 strict press* (increasing weight each set) *5 strict chinups after each set B. 10 RFT: 10 S2OH 10 front squats *every time you break: 12/10 cals Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A will be done with whatever equipment you...

Saturday 01-16-2021 Starke HomeFit

Saturday 01-16-2021 Starke HomeFit 6 x 5 min AMRAP’s w/ 2:30 rest b/w *alternate each AMRAP between AMRAP 1 and 2 AMRAP 1: 5 burpees 10 KBS 15 air squats AMRAP 2: 5 pushups 10 KB snatch (5/side) 15 jumping lunges Workout Notes/Intentions: You will perform a...

Friday 01-15-2021 Starke HomeFit

Friday 01-15-2021 Starke HomeFit A. E2:00 x 5 sets 5/arm single arm DB/KB push press + 5 strict pullups B. 2:00 on / 2:00 off x 6 sets 9 hang squat cleans 12 box jump overs max DU’s Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A is a strength portion; you will perform both...