Thursday 01-14-2021 Starke HomeFit

Thursday 01-14-2021 Starke HomeFit 30 min AMRAP 10 devil’s press 20 DB front squats 30 HSPU 40 single DB hang C&J 50 DB step ups Workout Notes/Intentions: Today’s AMRAP is intended to be done with 2 dumbbells, but you can modify this as needed based on...

Wednesday 01-13-2021 Starke HomeFit

Wednesday 01-13-2021 Starke HomeFit A. EMOM x 20 (5 rounds) min 1: 0:40 lunges min 2: 0:40 OH walk/hold min 3: 0:40 thrusters min 4: 0:40 weighted hollow hold B. 12 min ladder 2-4-6-8-… thrusters front rack lunges Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A is an EMOM...

Tuesday 01-12-2021 Starke HomeFit

Tuesday 01-12-2021 Starke HomeFit For time: 50/35 cals 5 rounds “DT” @ light weight 25 bar facing burpees 3 rounds “DT” @ mod weight 25 bar facing burpees 1 round “DT” @ heavy weight 50/35 cals 1 round of “DT”: 12...

Monday 01-11-2021 Starke HomeFit

Monday 01-11-2021 Starke HomeFit A. Running clock… Buy in: 2000m row rest 3:00 21-15-9 strict chinups ring or bench dips rest 3:00 21-15-9 cleans S2OH rest 3:00 Cash out: 50 burpees B. Core Work:* 300 flutter kicks 150 bicycles *every time you break: 30 second...