StarkeFit / Boot Camp 8-13-18 to 8-17-18

Monday August 13th, 2018 Warmup- 3 rounds 0:15 jumping jacks 0:15 air squats 0:15 mountain climbers 0:15 squat jumps 12 min Circuit* 10 goblet squats 10 DB push press 10 box jumps 10 situps *Every 90 seconds perform 6 burpees (beginning at 0:00) Extra 3 rounds: 0:30...

Friday 8-10-18 Workout Of The Day

Friday 8-10-18 WOD CrossFit A. E2M 10 One Snatch Pull + One Squat Snatch + One OHS B. 21-15-9 OHS 85/115# 300m Run (to be complete after each round)   Fitness: A. E2M10 8/10 Kcal Row 6 Ring Rows 4 Push Ups 2 Burpees (to a target 6” above reach) B. 21-15-9 DB...

Thursday 8-09-18 Workout Of The Day

Thursday 8-09-18 WOD A. HSPU Skill work + EMOM 6 1-5 HSPU *Use this as a chance to work on YOUR area of need for handstand push-ups. If you need to work on kicking up to the wall use that as your “skill” for the EMOM If you have good consistent handstand push-ups do...