Monday 04-20-20 Starke HomeFit

Monday 04-20-20 A. 5 RFT “Honey Pot” 20 Kcal Row or 15 Kcal Bike or 75 Double Unders/150 Single Unders/50 Toe Taps 15 DB/KB Deadlift 10 DB/KB Hang Cleans 5 Body Builders (click exercise name for video link) Todays workout will be a sweaty grind but by the...

Saturday 4-18-20 Starke HomeFit

Saturday 4-18-20 “Rise & Grind” 5 Deadlifts (heavy) 5 Dive Bomber Push-Ups 60 Second (40ish steps up staircase) odd object carry or odd object step ups for 60 sec. 5 Strict Chin Ups 5 Split Squats / Leg Ok, so today should be a sweaty grinder ALL ABOUT...

Friday 04-17-20 Starke HomeFit

Friday 04-17-20 30 Min Circuit “Pace Line” 10 – 15 Kcal (bike, row, treadmill) or 50 DU’s (aim for 1ish min of work) 10 Thrusters 65/95# 10 Burpees with knee taps* 10 T2B / HLR / Modified Dragon Flags *For the burpee with alt knee tap drop down...

Thursday 04-16-20 Starke HomeFit

Thursday 04-16-20 A. 5 Rounds NFT 8-10 Deadlift 8 Bench / Floor Press *for those that don’t have “big weight” or a barbell you can choose to do a staggered stance deadlift / RDL (Romanian deadlift) or a single leg deadlift. To add more of a challenge...

Wednesday 04-15-20 Starke HomeFit

Wednesday 04-15-20 A. Time Cap 15 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict Chin Ups or Rows Russian KBS *Ten of each movement, then nine, then eight… B. AMRAP – 8 @ 35/50# +/- 10 Alt. DB Snatches 10 Front Squats (5&5) 10 Single-arm DB Cleans (5&5) front head of...