Thursday 11-19-2020 Starke HomeFit

Thursday 11-19-2020 Starke HomeFit A. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 strict chinups/ring rows/supine grip row single leg squats per leg B. 3 RFT 20 single DB or KB devil’s press 20 cals 20 pullups/ring rows/BB, DB,KB rows Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A is a descending...

Wednesday 11-18-2020 Starke HomeFit

Wednesday 11-18-2020 Starke HomeFit A. For time: 100 step ups 80 single bell hang C&J 60 burpees 40 squat jumps 20 dips (ring, bench, box, stairs) B. 4 sets: 20 skull crushers 20 curls Workout Notes/Intentions: Today’s WOD is a chipper. Step ups can be...

Tuesday 11-17-2020 Starke HomeFit

Tuesday 11-17-2020 Starke HomeFit A. 20 min circuit 8/leg single leg DL 10 seated strict press 8 hip thrusts @31X3 10 floor press B. 10 min AMRAP 10 deadlifts 10 sit ups 50 DU  Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A is a strength circuit, alternating between lower and upper...

Monday 11-16-2020 Starke HomeFit 

Monday 11-16-2020 Starke HomeFit  5 sets for total reps 1:00 row/bike/ski/run/stairs 1:00 jumping lunges 1:00 pushups 1:00 goblet squats 1:00 KBS 2:00 rest Workout Notes/Intentions: For today’s WOD, you will be spending 1 minute at each station accumulating reps....

Saturday 11-14-20 Starke HomeFit

Saturday 11-14-20 Starke HomeFit Happy Saturday everyone! Today’s workout is a spin-off the “300” workout and will be modified for limited weight. If you have a barbell available to you and want to hit this at the prescribed weight it’s 95/135#...