Friday 02-12-2021 Starke HomeFit

Friday 02-12-2021 Starke HomeFit 10 rounds 30 DU 10 DB snatch rest 4:00 10 rounds 10 pullups 10 single DB step ups rest 4:00 50 burpee box jump overs Workout Notes/Intentions: Today’s workout is good preparation for the Crossfit Open. It begins with 10 rounds of 30 DU...

Thursday 02-11-2021 Starke HomeFit

Thursday 02-11-2021 Starke HomeFit A. E4:00 x 5 sets 10/leg switch lunges 8 goblet or back squats 6/leg Bulg split squats 0:40 sec weighted wallsit B. For time: 100 jumping lunges 80 anchored sit ups 60 goblet squat jumps 40 KB snatch 20 dips Workout Notes/Intentions:...

Wednesday 02-10-2021 Starke HomeFit

Wednesday 02-10-2021 Starke HomeFit A. NFT 75 bench or floor press* *every time you break: 12 gorilla rows + 12 hollow rocks B. 2 RFT: 50 HSPU 50 KBS 50/35 cals Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A for today will be accumulating a total of 75 bench press (or floor press)....

Tuesday 02-09-2021 Starke HomeFit

Tuesday 02-09-2021 Starke HomeFit 4:00 work x 3:00 rest x 5 sets* 3 squat cleans @95/135# 4 bar facing burpees 5 box jumps @20/24″ *pick up where you leave off each round Workout Notes/Intentions: If you have a barbell available to you, that is what is intended...

Monday 02-08-2022 Starke HomeFit

Monday 02-08-2022 Starke HomeFit EMOM x 20 min 1: 10 deadlifts min 2: 10 alt. Z-press min 3: 10-15 hip thrusts min 4: 5-10 strict chinups AMRAP x 10 min 15/12 cals 10 t2b 5 deadlifts Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A is a mixed strength EMOM; 20 mins is a total of 5...