Saturday 6-12-21 Starke HomeFit

Saturday 6-12-21 Starke HomeFit In todays workout we are honouring 215 children who were taken from their parents, their families and their homes. Some to return with horrible lifelong memories and some who never returned. This is something that has been on my mind...

Friday 6-11-21 Starke HomeFit

GYM NEWS: We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. With the newest Public Health Orders in effect Saturday, we’re waiting to see if they will allow outdoor workouts like they did before. We’ll be sending out an email blast and and posting on social...

Thursday 6-10-21 Starke HomeFit

Thursday 6-10-21 Starke HomeFit “Three Bases” @ 65/95# AMRAP – 10 15 KBS 35/50# 10 Up Downs 40 Double Unders or 80 Single Skips Rest 3 Min AMRAP – 10 10 Hang Power Cleans 10 Dips (Ring, box, or bench) 10 Jumping Lunges or Drop Lunges Rest 3 Min...

Wednesday 6-09-21 Starke HomeFit

Wednesday 6-09-21 Starke HomeFit A. EMOM – 16 Odd Minutes: 5-6 Pul Ups / Bent Over Rows Even Minutes: 6-10 Deficit Push Ups (DB’s, Boxes, Benches etc…) Find your variations for the above two movements. These should be tough and allow for 30ish...

Tuesday 6-08-21 Starke HomeFit

Tuesday 6-08-21 Starke HomeFit AMRAP – 30 “Jumanji” 20 Alternating Renegade Rows 20 Alternating Front Rack Back Lunges 20 T2B / HLR / Dragon Flags 20 Hang Squat Cleans 20 Alternating DB Snatches *Every 5 Minutes run 200m Today’s workout can be...