Saturday 03-14-20 Workout Of the Day

Saturday 03-14-20 Workout Of the Day For time: 100-80-60-40-20 DU 50-40-30-20-10 wallballs @14/20# 25-20-15-10-5 pullups rest 2:00 50/35 cal bike 50 burpees Workout Intentions: This is a longer workout. Take very short breaks on wallballs, quick sets of 10 if needed....

Friday 03-13-20 Workout Of the Day

Friday 03-13-20 Workout Of the Day A. EMOM x 24 (6 rounds) 1: 10 bench press 2: 12/15 cal bike 3: 10 strict pullups 4: 15/18 cal row B. 4 sets 10 seated strict DB press @31X1, directly into 10 chest press @31X1 Workout Intentions: Part A, bench press weight should be...

Thursday 03-12-20 Workout Of the Day

Thursday 03-12-20 Workout Of the Day A. Skill work: BMU B. EMOM x 8 1-3 + BMU C. 10 min AMRAP 75 DU 10 HSPU 15 KBS @35/50# Workout Intentions: Part A is an opportunity to work on one Bar Muscle Ups, through focus on technique and/or drills. Alternative options are...