Tuesday 02-06-24 Starke Sweat

Tuesday 02-06-24 Starke Sweat In teams of two… AMRAP – 25 30 Kcal Ski 30 Ring Rows 30 Dbl. DB / KB hang squat cleans 30 DB chest press 30 Box jumps in teams of two with only one person working at a time chip away at the above reps and calories. With the weights...

Monday 02-05-24 Starke Sweat

Monday 02-05-24 Starke Sweat A. E75-16 (4 rounds 20 minutes) 10 Walking KB Lunges 10 Dbl DB Snatches 10 Dbl KB Front squats 10 Alt DB Renegade rows B. 5 Rounds for time… “Bike N’ Body” 8/10 Kcal ECHO 8 Air squats 6 Push ups 4 Burpees Find a...