Wednesday 10-16-19 Workout Of the Day

Wednesday 10-16-19 Workout Of the Day 6 rounds: time cap: 36 mins 25 cal row/bike (alt. each round) 25 wallballs@14/20# 25 burpees 50 DU rest 1:30 Note: This is a variation of a workout we did a few weeks back, however the reps are halved and the rounds are doubled....

Tuesday 10-15-19 Workout Of the Day

Tuesday 10-15-19 Workout Of the Day A. Gymnastics EMOM x 10 1: 0:30- 1 wall walk + hold or shoulder taps 2: 0:30- L-sit hang from bar (mod. to tuck or hollow) B. 1:00 on 1:00 off x 10 rounds (20 min) 5 KB clusters @35/50# + max cal bike/row (alt. each round) *score is...

Monday 10-14-19 Thanksgiving Workout

Monday 10-14-19 Holiday WOD A. In 15 minutes find your 1 RM Front Squat. B. 1 set of max rep back back squats with your FS weight. C. In teams of four with two athletes working at the same time… 30 Minute Synchro AMRAP “Fantastic Four” 60 Pull-Ups 120...

Sunday 10-13-19 Workout Of the Day

Sunday 10-13-19 Workout Of the Day A. E90s X 15 (22:30) 1: 2x sled push + 10 DB lunges 2: 7 burpee pull-ups + 50-60 DU 3: 10 DB snatch + 10-16 cal row *athletes choice of weight, should be challenging for 10 reps   B. 4 sets (NFT) 5 chin-ups 10 bilateral bicep...