Wednesday 11-20-19 Workout Of the Day

Wednesday 11-20-19 Workout Of the Day A. Strength EMOM x 15 min (5 rounds) 1: 5/side KB/DB deficit lunge/side 2: 5/side half kneeling KB/DB press 3: 1 heavy sled push B. 4 RFT (time cap 16 mins) 20 front rack DB walking lunge @35/50# 20 pullups 20 box jumps...

Sunday 11-17-19 Workout Of the Day

Sunday 11-17-19 Workout Of the Day For time: 30 C&J @65/95# 30 burpee box jump over @20/24” 30 t2b 30 DB step overs @35/50# 30 cals Rest 4:00 20 C&J @85/115# 20 burpee box jump over 20 t2b 20 DB step overs 20 cals Rest 2:00 10 C&J @105/155# 10 burpee box...

Saturday 11-16-19 Workout Of the Day

Saturday 11-16-19 Workout Of the Day Running clock… 0:00-7:00 1 mile bike + 30 wallballs @20/30# 7:00-21:00: AMRAP 10 deadlifts @155/225# 20 box jumps 60 DU 24:00-finish 500m row + 30 wallballs @20/30# *half the class can start with row as long as you do each...