Friday 12-18-2020 Starke HomeFit

Friday 12-18-2020 Starke HomeFit A. EMOM x 10 30 DU + max lunges B. EMOM x 10 8 box jumps + max T2B C. EMOM X10  5 cals + max burpees Workout Notes/Intentions: today’s workout is 3 x 10 min EMOMs. At the top of each minute you buy in with a set number of the first...

Thursday 12-17-2020 Starke HomeFit

Thursday 12-17-2020 Starke HomeFit For time: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10* thrusters pullups *buy in before each round: 15 KBS 10 KB snatch (5/arm) 5 pushups Workout Notes/Intentions: Today’s WOD is an ascending ladder of thrusters and pullups. Before completing each...

Wednesday 12-16-2020 Starke HomeFit

Wednesday 12-16-2020 Starke HomeFit A. EMOM x 20 min (5 rounds) min 1: 6 step ups/side min 2: 12-15 squat jumps min 3: wallsit min 4: rest B. 10 min AMRAP 10 box jumps 15 anchored sit-ups 20 air squats Workout Notes/Intentions: Today’s workout is a leg...

Tuesday 12-15-2020 Starke HomeFit

Tuesday 12-15-2020 Starke HomeFit A. NFT: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 single arm DB/KB push press (reps per side) single arm DB/KB row (reps per side) B. 5 RFT time cap 20 mins 30 lunges 20 pullups 10 devils press Workout Notes/Intentions: Part A is an upper body strength...

Monday 12-14-2020 Starke HomeFit

Monday 12-14-2020 Starke HomeFit 4:00 on / 3:00 off x 5 sets 21/18 cal buy-in then AMRAP in time remainging: “DT” 15 deadlifts 12 hang power cleans 9 S2OH Workout Notes/Intentions: This workout is essentially 5 x 4 min AMRAPs. Each AMRAP you must buy-in...